Today has just been one of those days where I am antsy. I want to know what God has in store for my life and when it will happen and all the other specifics. I just want to know (yes, my spiritual gift is the patience of Job.....oh, wait.....that's not my, at all!)! I want to do what I love. I want to change the world. I want to know all that God has in store for me. I long to know what is beyond these high school years. I yearn for more. I am discontent, I just want to get on with God using me to do great things!
I got to really thinking about it and I think this is what it feels like to be homesick. As Christians, we are called to be content in our current circumstances, but also to not get too comfortable with the world, because the best is yet to come and it cannot compare to the world.
Here is what I think is the difference between Restlessness and Seeking God....
Restlessness is a result of discontentment. It is more than just wanting more; it is being unhappy with what you have in the here and now.
Seeking God is where you desire for more, yet you are content in your current circumstances. It's like being homesick....I can want to be home and miss home without having to dislike where I am at in this moment. I can seek to know what God has in store for me next without becoming discontent with what I have now.
I long for the day where there will be no more pain. I long for the day where I will see Jesus. I long for Heaven. I also long to see what God has in store for my life in the future. I long to know how I will spend the rest of my days when I get out high school. However, I am content with today, as well. I am content to bask in God's goodness in the here and now.
I feel like Paul must have felt when he said in Philippians 1:21-24..."For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. So I really don’t know which is better. I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live."
I know that God is using me in the here and now, yet I long for home. That is not sinful as long as I do not let it form into discontentment. God's timing is not my own and I am to be patient. However, I can eagerly anticipate all that God has in store for me.
This is merely my temporary home....I am just passing through!
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