Saturday, June 28, 2014


Words have such great power. Lately, this has been reveiled all the more to me. One kind word can uplift my whole day. One unkind word can reduce me to nothing. Unkind words seem to have more effect than kind words, at times. Kind words are nice to hear, but even nicer to see in action. Walking your talk, you could say. Mean, unkind, or harsh words stick with you awhile.

I am a tenderhearted person and when someone says that I am lazy, lack humility, am not pretty, or anything else of less than stellar value, it really sticks with me. Words pierce the soul. They seem to make there way into the most insecure parts of you, especially the ugly words. They can reduce you to nothing.

Some people have the ability to filter what affects them and what doesn't; I do not have this ability yet. God is still working on that part of me.

I will say however, that there are several people in my life who help balance out all the harsh words life throws at me. These people are my angels. They help me stay sane. They see my God given worth and are not afraid to express it.

Those are the kind of people I want to be......a woman who uses her words to uplift, not tear down. May God grant me that privilege and patience.

 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

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