God has definitely been molding me...... into what, I am not sure of yet! lol.
Some things that I have learned so far this year include:
- Letting go. Holding on to something that I ultimately am not in control of does not help me, the other person, or the situation.
- People care. Sure, I have seen this many times before, but never in the leaps and bounds that I have seen this year. Sometimes people have a hard time showing they care, but when you reach out, they are there.
- Being there is more important than knowing what to say. Sometimes words cannot capture the depth of pain someone is feeling, nor the comfort they need, but being there helps a great deal!
- It's okay to cry. Tears are just prayers in liquid form. There is no shame in them!
- Treasure today. Whether good or bad, today will never come again. Make it count!
- Tomorrow is a new day. Even if you blow it today, there is another chance.
- People change. For better or for worse, people do change. Accepting that is the hard part, whichever way it may be.
- Your faith is CRUCIAL!!!!!!! I cannot emphasize this enough. My faith is what kept me from giving up long ago. I know to whom I belong and also who holds my future. If that doesn't make me a better person, nothing will.
- Know what you believe. If your faith is shaky, you cannot stand strong.
- Stand by what you know to be true. No matter how much others seem to put you down or not respect you due to your beliefs, hold fast to them.
- It's okay to admit that you don't have it all together. Those who care and love you will not judge you, they will be there and love on you anyway.
- You are at your strongest when you are on your knees in prayer.
- Healing is a process. It does not happen overnight. I struggle with this. Sometimes I just need to step back and admit that I can't rush myself. It will take time.
- A hug or random act of kindness are sometimes more healing than any words spoken. I have been reduced to tears more than a few times this year by those kinds of things. They may seem so simple, but they make a HUGE impact!
- Be honest. It really is the best policy........
- Apologize and let people know you love and care for them. Sure, it may take some humility, but it is better than them never knowing....
- God is faithful. No matter what happens, He does not change. He will not leave me and He will hold the broken pieces of me when I cannot even bear to look at them....
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