Friday, July 18, 2014

Choose Life

I heard a story recently about 12 fishermen who came upon a storm and their boat was destroyed. For three days they floated on pieces of debris in the middle of the ocean. They had no food or water. They knew that they could not drink the sea water because it is salty and after awhile, you'll just become more dehydrated than you already are without water and die. You also will just keep desiring more water and that will speed up the process of dying. However, the longer they floated in the middle of the ocean, the better that sea water began to look because they became so thirsty. After awhile, some of the men gave into the temptation and drank the sea water. Within hours they were dead. After 3 days the 2 remaining men that had chosen not to drink the sea water were rescued.

The moral of the story is that often times, we will be faced with temptations that look good. They may satisfy us for awhile, but after awhile, they will only bring misery and, ultimately, death. Not so much physical death, but spiritual death.

I was thinking about this.....often times non-Christians look at us and they see all the things we cannot do (i.e. Don't have sex before marriage, don't lie, don't cheat, etc...). To them it looks like we are just depriving ourselves of something good, when in reality we are choosing life.

I don't want a temporary relationship based off of sex, I want a lasting relationship that models Christ's love for me and the Church.

I don't want to lie because I know that honesty is really the best policy. It might not make you popular, but it will make you honorable.

I don't want to have an abortion because I know that the thing I carry is not a thing, it is a human life. To terminate it would be to commit murder.

I don't want to have a "one night stand" with a guy because God values my heart and body. It might feel good at the time, but it will leave me with a lifetime of regret.

I am saying "NO" to things that may seem good, because I am waiting to say "YES" to things that are the best of the best! In this, I am choosing God and I am choosing life!

"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" Deuteronomy 30:19

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