Friday, September 19, 2014

No Man Is An Island

This week started a new adventure for me. I started Physical Therapy (PT). I'm 17 years old and I'm falling apart! I have bum knees. I'm too young to have all these aches and pains!

However, given that I do...I thought, "Why not write a post on it?!" Yeah, I'm weird.

After the first day of therapy I was frustrated because there are certain things that I am asked to do that I have been able to do in the past just fine and simply cannot do right now. Anyone who has ever been in PT likely knows this frustration. I was frustrated and a bit mad at myself. I should be able to do this (I'm only 17!)......

I was being really hard on myself and I kind of let it get to me. That voice that seems to pop up when I'm down started talking. You know the voice I'm talking about....the one that beats down your already crushed self esteem. "You can't do this." "You should have done better." "You'll never be good at that." Yeah, we all know that voice. The voice that tells you that you are not good enough.

I was kind of feeling sorry for myself and talking out my frustrations to one of my friends. Then he said something that really caught me....."You're not the only one who struggles with PT. A lot of people do. You're not alone."

For whatever reason, when I'm in the middle of something, it doesn't seem to dawn on me that I am not the only one who struggles with the issues I struggle with. Maybe it's because I want to feel sorry for myself thinking no one else goes through those issues. Maybe it's because I don't wish my challenging situations on anyone. Or maybe it's something else completely different....regardless, there is such power and encouragement in hearing that you are not alone.

None of us were meant to be islands floating in the middle of nowhere with no support. God has made us to live in community so we can learn from each other; share struggles and triumphs; to empathize and love on each other; to encourage and challenge each other; to not be an island.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

You're not alone. Life is a journey. It is messy, it is amazing and horrifying; it has funny moments, sad moments, happy moments....and everything in between....but none of us walk alone. There is such comfort in that!

Today, take the time to let someone know that they're not alone. It can make such a huge difference....I know it did for me!

"No Man Is An Island"
Tenth Avenue North

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