Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Who Do YOU Say That I Am?

Tonight in Small Group, our new youth minister asked us to write a paragraph on who God is to us and where we are at in our walk with Him.

 On first glance, this seemed easy. I mean, I have been walking with God for years; this should be fairly easy. Thing is, it is kind of hard to put into words the relationship you have with the God that created everything we see and still cares about every detail of my life.

In that moment, I kind of felt like the disciples must have felt when Jesus asked them in Mark 8:29, "What about you? Who do YOU say that I am?"

See, we all know who Jesus is. We know the Bible answers. We know what He did. Even an atheist can probably give you a list of what Jesus did and who people saw Him as. However, to answer the question of, "Who do you say that I am?"  I have to get personal.

When asked the question, "Who is Jesus to me and where am I at in my life in my walk with Him?" I have to think.

I would compare my relationship with God to that of a King and His daughter. He loved me long before I was born. He treasures me not for what I have done, but for who I am. He knows my every pain and fault and still He adores me. Even so, he sets a high standard for me. He expects me to strive for purity and holiness. He does not expect me to be without flaws, but He does not want me to abuse my power as His daughter by acting however I want to whomever I want.

He also disciplines me. Not because He wants to, but because He would be a poor Father if He did not do so.

He is my rock; where I run to when I am afraid or sad. He is my constant source of hope.

I do not always understand God or His will, but this I know: He is good and the good and the bad.

He is more than my Friend and source of strength though. He is my God.

This is the God I serve. This is who I say that He is.

"I AM"
By Mark Schultz

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