One of the purposes of my blog, Facebook page, and Twitter account is to keep things real.
If it made me laugh, encouraged me, brought a smile, or challenged me to think differently, it is quite likely that I will share it in the hope that it may do the same for someone else.
Similarly, I occasionally post when I have had a disappointing day or if someone I know needs prayer. I am trying to keep it real.
I do not want people to think that for whatever reason, I am unaffected by pain or that I don't have a bad hair day ever.
Being a Christian, this is especially true.
Though I am a Child of God, I still have bad days. Life is not easy. I am not somehow unaffected by life's hills and valleys.
There are days where I honestly don't see the point in smiling. There are days where all I do is snap at people. There are days that I am more than a little bit happy to say "Farewell" to. There are days where I cry a lot.
Do I have bad days? Yes. Do my bad days make God any less good? No!
Without the dark, we would not crave the Light. Without the pain, we would have no need for a Healer and Comforter.
My faith does not eliminate questions or pain, but it does know where to take them.
What I post is real stuff because I am real. I have no desire to air out all my dirty laundry, but at the same time, I also do not want to give a false pretense of perfection.
In the good times, I praise God and in the bad times, I praise God. He lets me be real. Grace gives me the freedom to not have it all together.
I share the good times and the tough times because I know others can relate and that someone, somewhere, needs to know that they are not alone.
This is my way of being a "light" in the darkness. This is how I keep it real.
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