Saturday, January 31, 2015

5 Things That Scouting Has Taught Me

Hi! My name is Lydia and I am a Scout.
Many people know me for being active in my church and community, but I am not sure many realize that I am a Ventureer. "What is that?" people will ask.
A Ventureer is basically a program of co-ed Boy Scouts. We are 14 to 21 year old males and females who are part of the Boy Scouts Of America program (BSA for short). We are under the same "umbrella" as Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Explorers.
We are unique in the fact that we are youth led. We plan what we want our adventures to be and then we plan how we are going to get there.
With that being said.....I am asked on occasion what I have learned from being being a Scout. I have been in the Venture Crew program for 2.5 years, but I have participated, alongside my brothers, in Cub Scouts and, on occasion, Boy Scouts, for over half my life. I live with a Charter Organization Representative, an Eagle Scout, and a Webelo 2. Scouting is part of who I am.

~5 Things That Scouting Has Taught Me~

  • Scouting has taught me what respect and equality can look like. As a Ventureer, every time I put on my uniform, I am more than a female or tagalong sibling, I am a Scout. As such, I am treated as an equal in most scouting environments, even if I am one of the only females. I work hard and I play hard, right along with every other Scout.
  • Scouting has taught me to know who I am and to be true to myself. I have been challenged in all of my awards that I have earned thus far to know exactly what I believe and why. This covers everything from my personal faith to why I do what I do in everyday living.
  • Scouting has taught me to get out of my "bubble." Sometimes it has taught me this despite myself, but it is something I value. I have never gone to a scout event or earned an award and not been faced with opposition or trying circumstances. It challenges me to look at things differently, to be flexible, and in all things: DO MY BEST!
  • Scouting has taught me to savor the little things in life that I often ignore. There is honestly nothing more breathe-taking than a colorful sunset or sunrise painted by God. There is nothing more peaceful than gazing at the stars in all their glory. There is nothing more satisfying than realizing you made it through a trying day, and it feels amazing. And there is nothing sweeter than knowing you are part of something.
  • Finally, Scouting has taught me the value of teamwork. No, this is not some new novelty to me, but if you have ever seen a group of scouts work together, you know exactly what I am talking about. The class clowns and Valedictorians, the band kids and the athletes, the CEOs and the Janitors, the "well off" and the "barely making it." People from different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures, all coming under the "umbrella" of scouting to get something accomplished. Whether that be planning a Scout meeting or putting into motion a Summer Camp. We work hard, and we play a TEAM!
In conclusion, Scouting has taught me many life lessons, more by example than instruction. These are things that no money or class could ever teach me; they are things I value. I would hope that I would continue to learn from being involved in Scouting and that I would be able to teach more by example than instruction.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Keeping It Real

One of the purposes of my blog, Facebook page, and Twitter account is to keep things real.

If it made me laugh, encouraged me, brought a smile, or challenged me to think differently, it is quite likely that I will share it in the hope that it may do the same for someone else.

Similarly, I occasionally post when I have had a disappointing day or if someone I know needs prayer. I am trying to keep it real.

I do not want people to think that for whatever reason, I am unaffected by pain or that I don't have a bad hair day ever.

Being a Christian, this is especially true.

Though I am a Child of God, I still have bad days. Life is not easy. I am not somehow unaffected by life's hills and valleys.

There are days where I honestly don't see the point in smiling. There are days where all I do is snap at people. There are days that I am more than a little bit happy to say "Farewell" to. There are days where I cry a lot.

Do I have bad days? Yes. Do my bad days make God any less good? No!

Without the dark, we would not crave the Light. Without the pain, we would have no need for a Healer and Comforter.

My faith does not eliminate questions or pain, but it does know where to take them.

What I post is real stuff because I am real. I have no desire to air out all my dirty laundry, but at the same time, I also do not want to give a false pretense of perfection.

In the good times, I praise God and in the bad times, I praise God. He lets me be real. Grace gives me the freedom to not have it all together.

I share the good times and the tough times because I know others can relate and that someone, somewhere, needs to know that they are not alone.

This is my way of being a "light" in the darkness. This is how I keep it real.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Who Do YOU Say That I Am?

Tonight in Small Group, our new youth minister asked us to write a paragraph on who God is to us and where we are at in our walk with Him.

 On first glance, this seemed easy. I mean, I have been walking with God for years; this should be fairly easy. Thing is, it is kind of hard to put into words the relationship you have with the God that created everything we see and still cares about every detail of my life.

In that moment, I kind of felt like the disciples must have felt when Jesus asked them in Mark 8:29, "What about you? Who do YOU say that I am?"

See, we all know who Jesus is. We know the Bible answers. We know what He did. Even an atheist can probably give you a list of what Jesus did and who people saw Him as. However, to answer the question of, "Who do you say that I am?"  I have to get personal.

When asked the question, "Who is Jesus to me and where am I at in my life in my walk with Him?" I have to think.

I would compare my relationship with God to that of a King and His daughter. He loved me long before I was born. He treasures me not for what I have done, but for who I am. He knows my every pain and fault and still He adores me. Even so, he sets a high standard for me. He expects me to strive for purity and holiness. He does not expect me to be without flaws, but He does not want me to abuse my power as His daughter by acting however I want to whomever I want.

He also disciplines me. Not because He wants to, but because He would be a poor Father if He did not do so.

He is my rock; where I run to when I am afraid or sad. He is my constant source of hope.

I do not always understand God or His will, but this I know: He is good and the good and the bad.

He is more than my Friend and source of strength though. He is my God.

This is the God I serve. This is who I say that He is.

"I AM"
By Mark Schultz

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

God of THIS City

I was unsure what to call this. It has been weighing on my mind awhile and I thought it was time to share. It is a rant of sorts, but one I feel many can understand and relate to.
I am angry.

I am angry because of the injustice I see in the world, my town, and home.
I am angry that we live in a "me" centered society.
I am angry because of the abuse I see and the lack of action taken against it. 
I am angry that the few people that care are often the used and abused.
I am angry at the people who could possibly make a difference that just stand by and look the other way.
How dare we say that things need to change and then just sit idly by and do nothing!
I am angry.

I am frustrated.

I am frustrated because I can not make people see each other as equals.
I am frustrated that people try so hard to win the love and affection of one person, that they overlook the needs of another.
I am frustrated that people choose hate over love.  
I am frustrated because I get told lies as truth.
How is one to know who they are when they are surrounded by people who twist the truth and tell them bold faced lies? 
I am frustrated.

I am saddened.

I am saddened because I see people being overlooked due to race and gender. 
I am saddened because of the pain I see that I do not understand.
I am saddened that I can do so little to ease the pain of others because it is a group effort and the "team" isn't helping.
I am saddened that I have to watch people I love slip away because of circumstances beyond my control. 
Why has it become the norm to be calloused and unwilling to look out for other's needs? 
I am saddened.

I am confused.
I am confused by the hypocrisy I see.
I am confused by what this world calls "love."
I am confused by the things that have become acceptable and the things that aren't acceptable that no one stands up for. 
I am confused by the things that should be logical but aren't.
When was one's value defined by how much money you have, the color of your skin, or the position you hold?
I am confused.

I am scared.

I am scared by the people I see.
I am scared I will become one of them.
I am scared I will sit idly by while the broken and scared cry out for help. 
I am scared I will sacrifice making a difference for the sake of fitting it. 
I am scared I am no different than any of those people I despise.
Am I any better than any of the people I see? Is there hope still left for me?
I am scared.

I am hopeful.

I am hopeful because I serve a good God.
I am hopeful because He knows all my pain and holds all my tears. 
I am hopeful because He promises that He has a great plan for me. 
I am hopeful that God will take all the things that anger, frustrate, sadden, confuse and scare me and make them into something beautiful one day.
I am hopeful because of the faith I have in God.
I am hopeful.
"He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign LORD will wipe away all tears. He will remove forever all insults and mockery against his land and people. The LORD has spoken!" Isaiah 25:8
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4
"God Of This City"
By Chris Tomlin