Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Coffee Cups And The Reason For The Season

Yes, I know, you have heard multiple views on this topic: Starbucks and their lack of Christmasy spirit. Why? Because their cups are red and don't have any Christmasy words and the company itself lacks Christmas spirit. Horrors of horrors!

Last time I checked, businesses could have whatever color cups they want and if they choose to acknowledge the Christ part of Christmas, than good for them! If not, then that doesn't define their products or service.

See, this isn't about cups or the phrase "Merry Christmas." It's about our attitude.

For me, Christmas has always been an exciting time. I love the atmosphere and Christmas treats. I love "elfing" (my term for buying and giving gifts). I love the family time and the decorations. I especially love Christmas music (which I, of course, start listening to in August....yep, I am one of THOSE people!). However, the part I love about Christmas most is that it isn't merrily a time of year, but a way of life.

Christmas has a lot of nice bells and whistles, but it really is about the One we serve. And last time I checked, that was Christ not Christmasy cups.

Sure, I like Christmasy everything and I like it when people wish me a "Merry Christmas," but that isn't the determining point of my celebration. Not at Christmas or anytime of the year!

The quote that comes to mind when I think on this topic is from Mahatma Gandhi, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” 

I want to be like Christ, ya'll. My celebration is because of and in Christ. It isn't based on the time of year, but on the One who lives inside of me. Frankly, it annoys me when I see people bashing non-Christian companies (or even Christian companies) for not having enough Christmas spirit. I understand the intent is to point out the meaning of the season, but bashing and criticizing is not the way to go about that.

The best way to be a Light and show the reason for celebration is to walk your talk.

  • Be kind.
  • Say Merry Christmas and mean it.
  • Hold open a door
  • Share a smile
  • Welcome the new neighbor
  • Tip generously
  • Help the mother with two children carry her bags to her car
  • Return a cart that is in the middle of a parking lot
  • Be patient
1 John 3:18 says it best, "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions."

As I said, the problem is not the lack of Christmas. The problem is our attitudes.

Bashing and criticizing in the Name of Christ is not going to change the world. It's just going to put people down and make people wonder what kind of God we serve who would compel us to act that way. The Heart of Christmas is Christ and that's something worth celebrating everyday.

1 comment:

  1. So very well written and so very true!! Thanks for sharing.
