Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Graduation Post: God Is Faithful

Today, I officially graduate from high school.
I feel like I am writing about someone else with that sentence. I am no longer a high school student. I am a high school graduate. Goodness, that is such a loaded title.
The big question that every graduate gets asked is: What's next? Truth is, I don't know.
In less than two weeks, I start my summer job with TEAMeffort Christian camps, but come mid-August, I will be back to where I am now: Praying and taking each step in faith. My plan is to return from my camp experience and take a gap year from school. During that gap year, I want to get a job and do some job shadowing to get a better idea of what I could spend the rest of my life doing.
The unknown is never a comfortable thing to walk in and I find that this is no exception. Not knowing what I am going to do is terrifying. I want to make a difference. I want to follow God. I want to love on people. I want to have a family. I want to be a woman of character.
I know that God knows those desires and though it is a scary time, this is also an exciting time. The adventures God has in store for me are bound to be full of growing, learning, and proof of God's faithfulness.
Speaking of God's faithfulness, I have been thinking a lot lately about how faithful God has been in my life. I have seen and experienced a lot in my eighteen years. Through it all God has been faithful.
  • In late elementary school and through middle school I struggled with my self worth. I turned to cutting as an escape from reality. God brought people into my life that constantly confirmed my worth and value, not only as a Child of God, but as a person who could and would do great things. 
  • My Sophomore year of high school, my family went through a dark season. All the things I had ever felt secure in, came into question. My brother battled depression and the road we traveled was full of lots of heartache and tears. God brought people to encourage me and help my family in this season. In everything, God met our needs and my faith became my own. No longer did I just believe in God because it was what seemed to be expected of me. I believed in God because He had become my hope and I had seen His faithfulness.
  • My Junior year of high school, I struggled to keep up with all my school work. Most of the time, I felt like I was drowning more than swimming. There were a lot of long days and late nights. God constantly gave me perseverance though and rest that I desperately needed. The summer of my Junior year, I had an amazing experience working at a Boy Scout camp. I learned and grew a lot.
  • This past Senior year, I dated a great guy. Unfortunately, things did not work out, as we disagreed on some important issues. I struggled again with my self worth and I questioned God's plan. In this time, God brought people into my life that overwhelmed me with love. My self confidence really grew and I learned to stop being so hard on myself. In addition, God constantly confirmed my choice to believe in Him and do what I believe is right, even though it is often hard and unpopular.
I could keep going with stories of God's faithfulness, but this blog post would go on for awhile. If I could leave you with one thing from this post though it would be that I am proof of God's faithfulness. I have seen His faithfulness in my life. As I continue to walk this journey, there are many unknowns, but this I know: My God WILL be faithful.
I will finish this post with a verse that has been a constant in my life for many years and that hangs right by my bedroom door in a frame as a constant reminder of God's faithfulness.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!
Lamentations 3:22-23