We hear about all sorts of groups starting great things.
There is a website called http://www.moreloveletters.com/ It is a movement that sends letters of encouragement to random people or to specific people that other's submit a request for that are hurting.
There is another movement called "The Rebelution," http://therebelution.com/ that is a challenge for young people to rebel against the low expectations set for them by the world and dare to live out their God given talents audaciously.
And another movement called "End It Movement," http://enditmovement.com/ whose goal is to shine a light on modern day slavery and give those who do not have a voice a voice.
All these are big, powerful, movements and all of them were started by one person.
One person who had the courage to stand up and say something is wrong with people hurting, when a handwritten letter has the power to encourage and let people know that they are good enough and very loved.
One person who dared to say that something is wrong with young people not living to their fullest potential with their God-given talents and abilities.
One person who challenged those who turned a blind eye to the hundreds of thousands of people trapped in the bonds of slavery all over the world.
One person.
God called us to, "Go and make disciples." He didn't say, "Wait for others to join you and then get out there and try and make a difference" or "If you feel uncomfortable going at something alone, maybe you should just wait for someone else to do it."
Put bluntly: You can't make a difference by doing nothing.
The difference makers are those the world calls crazy and insane. They are the ones who may be shaking and stuttering, but they dare to speak. Courage does not mean unafraid, it means moving despite fear or the risk of failure.
Making a difference does not usually start on a big scale. It starts small. It starts with standing up to one person or one group. It starts with speaking out. It starts with choosing to not go with the crowd. It starts with loving the unlovable. It starts with choosing Christ over the opinions of man.
God didn't call us to be comfortable or confident, He called us to go. We may not be popular or liked. We may be left out and verbally beat down. We may wonder if we're crazy, but a mission done in the Name of God is never considered a lost cause.
When one person steps out, God promises to go with us and bless us.
While it is one who starts a movement, you may be surprised how many people come out of the wood-works to support you. Strangers, friends, people of power, difference makers. Not everyone has the courage to take the first step but they do have the courage to join those who are willing to make a difference.
Movements start with one and grow when others share that passion and need to see change. There is power in one! So what are you waiting for? Go and make a difference!
“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” -Helen Keller
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” -Dr. Seuss, from The Lorax